Covid, Crafting and Chronic Illness

It’s been four months since my last post. When the new year hit, I promised myself I would try and post at least once a month this year, not really a resolution as such, just something for me to aim for to keep me thinking, writing and sharing.  I don’t really know why I started... Continue Reading →

Something new

January has disappeared in the blink of an eye and in a blur of ink and papercrafting. I honestly don't know where the time has gone. I work full time so most of it was wasted at the office πŸ˜„ . Or sleeping πŸ˜΄πŸ˜„ . Either way, it's going way too quickly so far this... Continue Reading →

Another year almost over…

It doesn't feel like I've had a very productive year. I've tried writing another blog post twice in the last few months but nothing ever came of it. Honestly, I've not been feeling great. Over the last I-don't-know-how-many years, I've had tummy problems that appear to be IBS, I then had my appendix removed following... Continue Reading →

Lookie what I made…

Yep, I made something 😊 Liz Schaffner of Moments Designs is back designing after a well deserved break and I joined in on one of her fun testing groups for her new creation, The ZIP-tastic Pouch. This versatile little pouch (and larger option!) is aptly named thanks to Liz's genius zipper techniques. I'm sure you've... Continue Reading →

Rambling thoughts…

I've not really had much to talk about. I haven't done much of anything, I loved the long summer we had and now I am missing it terribly and am dreading the winter. I have never enjoyed this time of year, the darkness, the cold, the wet weather. It makes me feel really low. In... Continue Reading →

Happy Home 😊

I never thought it would happen, but I am actually a home owner! We got the keys on Tuesday and work is already underway! The garden was a jungle but has been pretty much cleared in the last couple days, the kitchen has been ripped out and there was a little room attached to the... Continue Reading →

A Crafty Break

I'm happy that I've had quite a productive week and it's been nice to have time for myself and to do what I love. I wish it would never end. The weather has been stunning, although I don't get out much πŸ˜‚Β but that's my choice, I'm an indoor cat 🐈😸 Since my last post, I... Continue Reading →

It’s Quiet Around Here…

I've been a little quiet lately, sorry if you've missed me! I've been so exhausted with work and the travelling back and forth every day, it just wears me out πŸ˜”πŸ˜΄ I know a lot of people travel longer and further every day for their jobs, but when you suffer from depression and just getting... Continue Reading →

Sunny Sundays β˜€οΈ

I can't believe the weekend is over already and it's time for work again 😳 Anyone who knows me well, will know that on the weekend I don't usually do anything or go anywhere, but we had a couple of things to do yesterday morning and G fancied breakfast at 'Spoons again 😁 never gonna... Continue Reading →

Pineapple Shawl, Check! βœ…

It has been a very loooong week 😳😴 I'm exhausted. All I do is sit behind a computer all day. But the traveling between Newport and Cardiff everyday is a killer, it's 12 miles and takes over an hour to get to work. Urg. I don't often talk about mental health, although I do share... Continue Reading →

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